My Trees Look Great And I Want To Make Sure They Stay That Way. What Can I Do to Protect Their Health?
Below are some of the actions a homeowner can take to protect the health of their trees. Stately trees beautify your residential outdoor environment, provide you with relaxing shaded areas and increase the value of your property tremendously. Guarding the health of your living investments is exceptionally important.
A professional tree care company has extensive knowledge and experience caring for the trees and plants within our community. The best arborist in Southlake, Texas is devoted to providing quality service to our area and the DFW metroplex. ISA certified arborists and tree care specialists exhibit the high standards of excellence, honor, and integrity that the International Society of Arboriculture is respected for. By entrusting the care of your trees to arbor care professionals you will have the confidence in knowing that your grounds will remain beautiful and bring you years of enjoyment.
Every homeowner’s outdoor grounds and trees are unique. A tree care specialist will custom-design an ongoing tree and plant health care maintenance plan specifically for you. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that your residential grounds and prized trees will receive the best of care and that you will never be burdened with the unwanted expenses of combating serious tree ailments or tree removal and tree replacement.
Frequently, homeowners mistakenly think that when their trees are exhibiting wilted leaves that the trees need more water. Oftentimes, the opposite is true! Excess water can cause rotted roots and lead to the invasion of fungal diseases. Controlled watering by means of soil drenching and soaker hoses administered and directed by a tree care specialist will ensure your trees receive the correct amount of water they require and that destructive fungal diseases don’t develop.
Many serious tree diseases and tree pests target trees through wounds and abrasions. Trees can be accidentally wounded by mowers, weed trimmers and shovels. Always have your regular lawn care maintenance and the planting of decorative accent plants performed by an experienced tree company. They will make certain that your trees do not suffer wounds and become susceptible to diseases.
Are There Treatments That Will Protect My Trees And Boost Their Health?
There are numerous very important health-boosting treatments that tree experts are highly-experienced in administering and that will greatly benefit your trees. The following are amongst some of the treatments that we strongly advise here in Southlake, Texas.
- Deep Root Fertilization: Although most homeowners assume that regular lawn fertilizer is sufficient for their trees, that is not the case! A highly-trained tree expert injects under pressure the specific liquid minerals and nutrients the tree requires directly into its root zone. The soil is aerated by the injected oxygen. Trees that receive this key treatment annually are 95% more disease-resistant and their root structures thrive.
- Tree Health Assessment: The tree is analyzed by the ISA certified arborist and a tree evaluation report is then completed. Healthy-appearing trees may sometimes be weak and vulnerable to disease and the tree care specialist will be able to see to it that the tree’s strength and vitality are restored. The tree health assessment is essential in protecting the health of your high-value trees.
- Soil Aeration: Compacted soil can be caused by construction activities, high foot traffic or by parking on grassy areas under trees. Soil compaction prevents adequate water flow and oxygen to the root zones of trees and also inhibits proper root growth. Soil aeration is administered by a tree care specialist and is very important in preventing the damage that compacted soil can cause.
- Tree Growth Regulators: Tall, mature trees often topple over from high winds and severe storm activity because their root structures are not substantial enough to support their size. Tree growth regulators increase root density and enable the roots to adequately support the tree. The tree’s resistance to disease is boosted and the tree is able to easily withstand extreme temperature changes.