Texas Root Rot Treatment in Southlake, TX.
Have you noticed that your trees and plants have yellowed, drooping and wilted leaves? Are your trees declining in their appearance? It is imperative to contact an experienced tree company immediately, as these are beginning indications of Texas root rot disease. Call us today at (817) 697-2884 and request a complimentary consultation with our ISA certified arborist. Texas Root Rot Treatment in Southlake, TX, call (817) 697-2884 for an Texas Root Rot diagnosing!

Texas Root Rot Treatment? Call Truly Arbor Care of Southlake!
Diagnosing Texas Root Rot Disease
The most destructive root-decaying disease is Texas root rot and it is destroying trees in epidemic numbers throughout Southlake, Texas and the DFW metroplex. This soil-borne fungal pathogen is indiscriminate regarding the trees and plants it infects and will invade nearly two thousand tree and plant varieties. Poor soil drainage and soil compaction contribute to the rapid spread of this deadly root destroyer. One of the most difficult issues in combating Texas root rot is that the majority of its destruction occurs underground and cannot be seen. By the time that visible indications manifest then the tree can die within only a few weeks. Not only will it spread rapidly within your own outdoor habitat but it frequently infects entire neighborhoods!
There is no known cure for this lethal disease; therefore, the best means of protection is to take proactive measures and prevent Texas root rot from ever occurring! The best arborist in Southlake, Texas will personalize a continual tree and plant health care program designed exclusively for you. Our experienced plant pathologist will closely examine the root system of the tree that is exhibiting root rot, as infected roots will interlace with other trees and plants. Dead or severely infected trees and plants must be expertly removed by a professional tree removal service. The arbor care professional will rectify areas within your outdoor residence that have standing water or poor drainage. Some varieties of trees and plants have a higher resistance to this deadly disease and our tree expert will advise you on the best choices for your outdoor environment.
Treatment Of Texas Root Rot
Truly Arbor Care is family owned and locally operated and we have been caring for the trees and plants within Southlake, Texas for over 25 years. We have extensive knowledge and experience in combating the serious diseases that are common throughout our area. If you have Texas Root Rot on your property, call (817) 697-2884 for a free consultation from a certified arborist in Southlake, TX.