(817) 697 2884

Certified Arborist in Kennedale, TX.

TOur family owned and operated experienced tree company complies with the rigid standards established by the International Society of Arboriculture.  With ISA certified arborists and four tree doctors, we are able to address all of your tree care needs.  Is your stately tree exhibiting signs of a dying tree?  Are you finding dead branches on your grounds?  Is your primary concern to keep your trees in the best of health?  No matter what issues you’re facing, we have the knowledge and experience to relieve you of your worries!

Dallas-Fort Worth Tree Care

Your striking trees greatly increase your property value, as well as adding beauty to your outdoor environment.  The costs associated with unhealthy trees as well as removing and replacing dead trees can become exorbitant.  The best way to guard against unwanted expenses and damaging tree diseases is to protect the health of your trees.  


    The well-being of your trees is protected by assessing their health and ensuring they are receiving the adequate nutrients they require.


    This vital treatment administers the tree’s required nutrients directly into its root structure by injection and ensures the tree’s vigor is maintained.


    Girdled roots occur when a tree is confined and restricted.  Root pruning corrects this problem and prevents stunted tree growth. 


    The tree’s root density and vitality are heightened by the administering of tree growth regulators. Click here for more info!

    Protecting the health of your trees and preventing them from ever becoming infected by serious diseases is the best defense against destructive pathogens. 
    We provide the treatment necessary to combat and eliminate the insect pests and tree diseases prevalent in North Texas.

Deep Root Fertilization

The specific nutritional needs of the tree are injected directly into its root zone by trained arbor care professional.  This crucial treatment increases the tree’s root structure and vitality, making the tree more disease-resistant.  In addition, issues associated with compacted soil are eliminated by soil aeration.

Tree Disease Treatment

Traumatized trees are more likely to become inflicted with annihilating diseases.  Stress can be caused by numerous factors, including turbulent weather and construction projects within close vicinity of the tree.  Our certified arborists and tree doctors frequently treat many diseases common in the DFW metroplex.

  • Fire Blight
    When your pit-centered fruit tree develops black curled shoots that resemble hooks it has been infected by this fungal microorganism.
  • Bacterial Slime Flux
    Invading tree wounds, this disease ferments the tree’s sap and causes liquid to seep down the tree and emit a foul-smelling odor.
  • Texas Root Rot
    Non-discriminant, this lethal fungal disease infects more than 2000 tree and plant varieties, spreads rapidly and kills a tree within a few weeks after visible indications manifest.
  • Bacterial Leaf Scorch
    When your tree’s leaves appear burned and brittle this damaging disease has infected the tree.
  • Chlorosis
    Most often due to iron-deficient soil, this ailment causes leaves to become pale yellow from a lack of chlorophyll.
  • Seiridium Canker
    Random brown branches in your Leyland Cypress and other fir varieties are the results of this lethal tree ailment.
  • Powdery Mildew
    This quick-spreading fungal disease infiltrates your habitat grounds and causes white spots to cover tree and plant leaves.
  • Ganoderma
    Known also as heart rot, this serious fungal pathogen destroys the tree from the inside outwards and causes the tree to become a danger to life and property.
  • Leaf Spot
    Hideous black spots covering leaves caused by bacterial and fungal microorganisms.
      Click here for more info about Leaf Spot!

Oak Wilt Treatment

Lofty Shumard red oaks, as well as numerous popular oak varieties, are targeted by this deadly fungal pathogen.  Oak wilt disables the tree from adequately providing nutrients and water throughout its system.  Millions of oaks in Texas alone have been destroyed by oak wilt.  Once infected, the tree will die in less than six months.  Enlist the services of an arborist that treats sick trees immediately when you suspect your oak tree is declining.

Pest Control

Insect infestations are not only irritating and annoying, but they can briskly overwhelm your residential grounds.  Without treatment, insect problems often lead to the death of trees and plants.  Numerous undesirable insect pests are prevalent in North Texas and our tree doctors are continuously combating their destruction.


    Tiny holes on leaves and fine webs on the underside of foliage are caused by these tiny pests that destroy the outdoor grounds.


    These large black and cream beetles are difficult to miss and they target the root system of cottonwood, willow and poplar trees.  


    White webbing in tree branches are spun by these worms to protect themselves from insect predators while they feed upon the tree’s foliage.

  • These non-moving insects extract the nutrients from leaves and appear to be bumps on foliage and stems.


    Entering the tree through its bark, these larvae eat complex winding tunnels throughout the tree’s inner core and eventually kill the tree.


    Devastating the visual appearance of your residential grounds, these tiny pests siphon the nutrients from leaves.

ISA Certified Arborist

At Truly Arbor Care, our devoted and certified in a friendly way arborists and tree care specialists have extensive experience in treating your tree disease and insect problems.  We are able to provide you with the personalized health care maintenance your trees and landscape need!  Contact us today at (817) 697-2884


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