(817) 697 2884

Certified Arborist in Crowley, TX.

The International Society of Arboriculture is highly respected for the strong ethics it represents and the standards of excellence it is known for. Our ISA certified arborists exemplify these expected high standards within the arbor care industry. Is your statement tree exhibiting premature defoliation? Are insect infestations causing you turmoil? Do you wonder if there are an on-going tree and plant health care maintenance program that can be personalized for your residential grounds? Our ISA certified arborists are passionate about providing the treatment and care that your trees need!

Dallas-Fort Worth Tree Care

Protecting the health of your trees is of the utmost importance. Not only are they showpieces within your outdoor environment, but they provide you with the enjoyment of relaxing shade and the comfort in knowing that they greatly increase your property value. Protect yourself and your living investments from the dreaded costs and stress of replacing dead trees and combating serious tree diseases. Our tree experts provide many preventative treatments to keep your trees in the best of health.

    This enables the arbor care professional to accurately determine the nutrients the tree requires in order to protect its health and immunity.
    After assessing the tree’s nutritional requirements, a tree expert injects the specific nutrients the tree needs directly into its root structure.
    Small trees may appear perfect in the containers, but as they grow their roots twist and eventually girdle the trunk.
    Lasting five years, tree growth regulator treatments greatly increase the tree’s root density and lessen its susceptibility to diseases.
    If you notice your tree’s health is lessening, it is always best to contact a sick tree doctor and have treatment administered in the early stages of disease infection. 
    Early treatment is always the best defense against the serous tree and plant destruction that advanced insect infestations and tree pathogens can cause.

Deep Root Fertilization

This is key to protecting the health of your trees!  Topical fertilizer applications do not provide the nutrients that strong trees require.  An extensively-trained tree expert injects the liquid minerals and nutrients that the tree needs directly into its root zone and below grass roots.  The injected oxygen also aerates the soil and eliminates soil compaction.  Trees that receive this important treatment annually are 95% less likely to become infected by destructive diseases.  The tree’s health is strengthened tremendously and its root system will grow without obstruction.

Tree Disease Treatment

Even healthy trees that have a natural immunity to disease can become weak and vulnerable when subjected to stressful conditions.  Stress can be caused by a multitude of factors such as inadequate watering, nutrient-deficient soil or severe weather such as hail, freezing temperatures or drought.  Working closely with a tree care specialist will enable you to guard your trees from the many diseases that are common in the north Texas area.

  • Bacterial Slime Flux This aromatically disgusting ailment invades the tree through its wounds. Fermenting the tree’s sap, it causes foul-smelling liquid to seep from the wounds and create multicolored streaks on the tree’s bark.
  • Chlorosis High-alkaline soil primarily triggers this disease that prevents trees from receiving adequate chlorophyll and causes tree foliage to turn pale whitish-yellow. 
  • Ganoderma One of the deadliest fungal pathogens known, it is also called heart rot because it destroys the tree’s entire inner core. Infected trees manifest mushroom-shaped structures and can suddenly fall over and threaten life and property.
  • Powdery Mildew Spreading rapidly, this fungal disease produces white dusty spots all over tree foliage and plant leaves. It can swiftly overtake your entire outdoor grounds.
  • Leaf Spot A collective group of bacterial and fungal agents produces ugly black spots and blotches all over tree foliage. Leaf spot is exceptionally common. Learn more about Leaf Spot in Crowley, TX and surrounding areas.
  • Fire Blight Visually shocking, this disease infects pit-centered fruit trees and causes young branch tips and new shoots to develop blackened ends that curl into hook-like formations. Learn more about Fire Blight in Crowley, TX and surrounding areas.
  • Anthracnose This deadly fungal pathogen turns foliage tan and brown, cause it to dry up and eventually die.
  • Brown Rot Manifesting from excess soil moisture, pot-centered fruit tree develop decayed root structures when this fungal disease invades them.
  • Seiridium Canker This lethal pathogen prevents Leyland cypress and other fir tree varieties from providing water throughout the tree’s system. Dead branches appear within green healthy branches (flagging) and the tree will die without early treatment. 

Oak Wilt Treatment

Guard the health of your oak trees! Majestic Shumard red oaks are not only beautiful to behold, but they are the most targeted by this deadly fungal pathogen.  No oak variety is protected from oak wilt and millions of oaks throughout Texas have been destroyed by it. Oak wilt shuts down the tree’s vascular system, causing an infected oak to die in less than six months. Do not hesitate in contacting an arborist that treats sick trees if you even suspect that your oak tree’s health is in jeopardy.

Pest Control

Insect problems are not only irritating to deal with, but they can rapidly overtake your residence, destroy your trees and plants and even invade your home! Early treatment is essential to minimize the damage that insect infestations can cause. Our tree doctors, ISA certified arborists, and tree experts are highly-familiar with treating and eliminating the insect pests that are prevalent throughout our community.


    Pea-sized bumps on your tree’s foliage are these insects that extract nutritional fluids from leafs. Infected tree will exhibit an overall unhealthy.


    These invasive larvae enter the tree through its bark and eat intricate tunnels throughout the tree’s entire inner core.


    Reproducing many generations per season, they extract nutrients from tree foliage and plant leaves and cluster together on leaves and stems.

  •  White webbed bags throughout your tree branches are created by these worms to protect themselves from bird predators.


    Green beetles cannot hide the destruction they cause. These beetles infest only ass tree varieties and devastate the tree’s vascular system.


    These deceptive insects create small cones laced with bark and leaf pieces and hide inside while eating pine needles.

ISA Certified Arborist

At Truly Arbor Care, our licensed and insured tree doctors, ISA certified arborists and arbor care professionals have been providing care for our community’s trees for over 25 years. Family owned and locally operated, we treat you as we do our own family! Call us today at (817) 697- 2884. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you and provide the tree care you need and desire! 

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