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Certified Arborist in Bluff Dale, TX.

ISA certification in Texas requires years of extensive experience within our state, completion of strict testing and adhering to the high standards of excellence the society is known for.  Our ISA certified arborists have the experience, knowledge, and competence to answer any questions you may have and attend to all of your tree care needs.  Whether you are in a quandary over what to do with dead trees or you desire a continual maintenance and care plan designed specifically for you, our ISA certified arborists will provide the service and tree care you desire and deserve!

Dallas-Fort Worth Tree Care

The costs of tree removal, treating serious tree diseases and tree replacement have never welcomed the news.  Maintaining the health of your beautiful trees is the best way to prevent unwanted expenses. Trees enhance your residential outdoor environment by their beauty and greatly increase your property value.  There are many treatments that not only guard the health of your trees but stimulate their growth and vitality.

    This tree examination reveals if the tree is receiving adequate nutrients and protects the tree’s health. Get a Free Tree Health Assessment.
    The specific nutrients the tree needs are injected directly into its root structure, boosting its immunity to diseases.
    Trees planted in tight spaces often develop twisted roots that can girdle the trunk and stunt the tree’s growth.  Root pruning prevents this damage from occurring.
    Tall trees require strong root systems to adequately support them.  This treatment densifies the roots and stimulates the tree’s immunity to disease.

    No matter what tree ailment you are facing, our tree doctors have extensive experience in administering the treatment that is determined that your tree requires.


    Administering treatment in the early stages of insect infestation and tree disease infection is key in preventing the damage that these problems can cause.

Deep Root Fertilization

This key treatment guarantees the tree receives the specific nutrients it requires to ensure its root system grows sufficiently and its health is robust and protected.  Liquid minerals and nutrients are injected into the tree’s root zone by a highly-skilled tree expert.  Oxygen is injected into the soil and the soil is aerated, eliminating soil compaction.  Trees that receive this important health treatment annually are 95% less likely to become inflicted with serious diseases.

Tree Disease Treatment

Healthy trees naturally ward-off destructive diseases; however, numerous factors can cause a tree to become weak and stressed.  Insufficient sunlight, nutrient-deficient soil and harsh weather can inflict stress upon a tree and make it susceptible to the many common diseases prevalent throughout the DFW metroplex area.

  • Leaf Spot
    Numerous bacterial and fungal pathogens cause visually appalling black spots to cover foliage.
  • Ganoderma
    Large mushroom-like structures at the tree’s baseline indicate infection by this dangerous fungal disease. It is also called heart rot because it destroys the tree from the inside out and causes it to be a threat to life and property.
  • Texas Rot Root
    Destroying a tree’s root system and killing it within several weeks after symptoms manifest, this deadly fungal pathogen thrives in textured soil, spreads rapidly and targets more than 2000 tree and plant varieties.
  • Powdery Mildew
    Common in neighborhoods and nursery environments, this visually irritating fungal disorder causes white dusty spots on tree foliage and plant leaves. Click here to learn more about Powdery Mildew disease and its harmful effects.
  • Chlorosis
    Pale yellow leaves manifest when they are deprived of chlorophyll.  Frequently this is due to high-alkaline, iron-deficient soil. Learn more about the effects and treatments available for Chlorosis.
  • Bacterial Leaf Scorch
    Foliage that appears burned and has dried brown edges is the result of infection by this bacterial pathogen. Learn more about the pros and cons of Bacterial Leaf Scorch. 
  • Fireblight
    Black hooked ends on young branches are evidence of this fungal disease that infects pome fruit trees. Click here to learn more about fireblight and its harmful effects.
  • Anthracnose
    This fungal pathogen causes leaves to develop brown blotched areas and then die. Click here to learn more about anthracnose and treatments available currently.
  • Bacterial Slime Flux
    Varying colored streaks on bark and a strong, foul odor emitting from a liquid that oozes from tree wounds are indicative of this damaging bacterial agent. 

Oak Wilt Treatment

Statuesque Shumard red oak trees glorify neighborhoods throughout our community.  Unfortunately, they are the preferred target of this quick-spreading fungal disease that has already caused the death of millions of Texas oak trees.  No oak variety is immune from its invasion.  It is best to contact an experienced tree doctor and enact preventative care to protect your oak from ever becoming victimized by oak wilt.  If you sense your oak tree is ailing, contact an arborist that treats sick trees immediately.

Pest Control

Insect infestations are irritating to deal with.  Unwanted insect pests reproduce rapidly, often overtake your entire residence and sometimes even invade your home!  If not treated when you first observe them the damage they can cause becomes insurmountable.  There are many common insects throughout the metroplex that our tree doctors and ISA certified arborists are well-acquainted with and administer treatment for regularly.


    These huge black and ivory beetles target the roots of cottonwood, willow and poplar trees and leave holes in the tree’s trunk and bark where they’ve invaded.


    Reproducing astoundingly fast, these microscopic nuisances extract nutrients from tree foliage and plant leaves and overtake the entire residential outdoor environment quickly.


    Don’t let their brilliant green color deceive you!  These destructive beetles attack ash trees and destroy their vascular system.  Bark holes and thinning foliage are a result of their infestation.

  • Protecting themselves from bird predators, these worms spin elaborate white webbing bags throughout tree branches while they hide inside and eat tree foliage.


    Larvae gain entrance to the tree through its bark and then eat tightly-curled winding tunnels throughout the tree’s core wood. Click here to learn more about Wood Borers.


    An infestation that grows ornamentals, shrubs and certain species shade trees. Get a Free Aphids Assesment on your property by a Certified Arborist in your area.

ISA Certified Arborist

Truly Arbor care is proud to have been providing tree care service to our community for over 25 years.  Our family owned and locally operated company has the arbor care experts, ISA certified arborists and tree doctors here to provide the treatments and ongoing tree care you need, desire and deserve!  Call us today at (817) 697-2884.  We look forward to meeting with you!


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